When it comes to Garry’s Mod errors, purple/black means you’re missing textures for the objects and giant red ERROR means you’re missing the object itself. A good third-party tool for creating, viewing and editing VTF textures is VTFEdit (download). Note that restarting 3ds Max or loading another game preset and then reloading the Garry's Mod preset are necessary for Wall Worm to know about the newly mounted assets.Textures in Garry’s Mod are stored in the Valve Texture Format, or VTF. Add a line as in the example above for each set of VPK assets you want Wall Worm to have access to.
Optionally mount extra game content (see below).files that start with a Drive letter like C:/.) ( Do not remove this from any line that has an absolute path-ie. Open the gameinfo.txt file and remove the "garrysmod/" from any SearchPath that is relative and starts with "garrysmod/".In the global settings, right click the Game Info button to open the new (local) game path in Windows Explorer.Paste this path as a new line inside the curly brackets of the "mountcfg" block.Wall Worm will now open the garrysmod/cfg/mount.cfg and copy the path to this local garrysmod for you to paste into that file.Wall Worm will now create a garrysmod and a content_sdk folder inside your project folder.When prompted to use the newly created SDK paths, click yes.Click the Create Local Gameinfo button below the preset list.Make sure the current settings are a preset for Gmod.Making sure you set a project folder (steps above) click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Settings.The main difference is that when setting up for Gmod, you do not edit the original game's gameinfo.txt file but edit mount.cfg instead. For the most part, this entails using the setup described in Anatomy of a Design Team. If you intend on collaborating with other artists or game developers, it is best to create a local path for all your game assets you are working on in a team. Click the Save button by the preset list.Click the Project Folder button in the paths tab to set the project folder for 3ds Max and your project.Select the Garry's Mod from the preset list and click Load Selected Preset.Click the Import GameConfig File button in the settings floater and browse for the GameConfig.txt file listed above.Click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Settings to open the global settings.If there is no GameConfig.txt file there, run the hammer.exe found in that same folder.This will be something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\GameConfig.txt Look for a GameConfig.txt file in your game's bin folder.When mounting other games, make sure to use absolute paths (c:\path\tp\folder or c:\path\to\file.vpk ).In gameinfo.txt, remove the garrysmod/ prefix from most paths that start with it (relative paths).The gameinfo.txt file resides in your root game folder (unless you create a local gameinfo file as discussed in the collaboration section below).
So to properly use all the assets available in your game, you will need to edit the gameinfo.txt file to include all of your paths used in mount.cfg. Wall Worm does not use the mount.cfg file. Gmod doesn't use the gameinfo.txt file for game paths like most Source Engine games. This page details the steps to set up Wall Worm for Garry's Mod in 3ds Max 2018+ using Wall Worm 3.71+.